Our Orthopaedic Surgeon

Our Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr Mohamed Ahmed
Mr Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Hertfordshire, where he is involved in the development and expansion of the spinal treatments unit.
He has private spinal clinics at various hospitals including The Rivers Hospital and One Hatfield Hospital (both in Hertfordshire).
Mr Ahmed offers effective spinal treatments for back and neck pain, sciatica & leg pain, stenosis and spinal deformity.
Mr Ahmed also offers specialised treatments for the whole range of spinal conditions and all aspects of spinal surgery, including deformity, anterior and posterior spinal surgery fusion, minimally invasive surgery, XILF, micro discectomy and decompression, spinal injection techniques, sacroiliac joint fusion, endoscopic discectomy and decompressions.
Mr Ahmed also has:
- Specialist interest in adult spinal conditions including degenerative conditions of the spine, spinal deformity, trauma, infection and tumours of the spine. He performs a wide variety of procedures.
- Previously worked as a spinal consultant in Norway, and has undertaken a Fellowship in Spinal Surgery at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.
- Published in peer review journals and presented at national and international meetings as well as being actively involved in teaching medical students.
He is a member of the following associations:
- The British Association of Spinal Surgeons.
- The Norwegian Medical Association.
- The British Medical Association.
- The North American Spine Society (NASS).
If you have a query or wish to book an appointment, you can either call us or visit our Contact page.

Mr Mohamed Ahmed
Mr Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Hertfordshire, having previously worked as a spinal consultant in Norway.
He has undertaken a Fellowship in Spinal Surgery at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.
He offers effective spinal treatments for back and neck pain, sciatica & leg pain, stenosis and spinal deformity.
He also offers specialised treatments for the whole range of spinal conditions and all aspects of spinal surgery, including deformity, anterior and posterior spinal surgery fusion, minimally invasive surgery, XILF, micro discectomy and decompression, spinal injection techniques, sacroiliac joint fusion, endoscopic discectomy and decompressions.
If you have a query or wish to book an appointment, you can either call us on 020 3633 8402 or visit our Contact page.
الدكتور محمد احمد استشاري جراحه العظام و العمود الفقري كتخصص دقيق. يعمل الدكتور محمد بمستشفى برنسس ألكساندرا الحكوميه في ضاحيه هارلو شرق مدينه لندن بالمملكة المتحدة . وكذلك يجري جراحات العمود الفقري بمستشفيات هولي الخاص و رفرس شرقي لندن. الدكتور محمد متخصص في حالات العمود الفقري للكبار الناتجه عن العيوب الخلقيه او المكتسبه ( بسبب الحوادث او الالتهابات او الأمراض العصبيه او الغضاريف او السرطانية ) و يتقن عمل الجراحة بالمناظير للحالات المختلفة بدقه و جوده عاليه.
نظره الدكتور محمد قضاء الوقت الكافي مع المريض قبل البدأ في الرحلة العلاجية للاستماع و التشخيص و مناقشه مراحل العلاج و عمل خطه علاجيه متكاملة بمشاركه المريض وكذلك المتابعة الدقيقة لحاله المرضى بعد الجراحة و تقديم النصح و المشوره و المتابعه لجميع مراحل العلاج و كذلك على المدى الطويل